A rapid fast run down of where I'm at in life. I'm less than a year until I'll have my MA, which is exciting and scary all at the same time. Life is still quite busy, though significantly less so for the next few weeks before I start my ridiculous French Translation course at the end of June. I also have not one but two important exams in the Fall that I need to study and read for, so Summer will be very busy for me.
Here are some fun things happening:
I joined the Park Slope Food Coop. Easily one of the best decisions I've made in the past couple months. Such cheap groceries, for very little effort. For those of you who don't know, the Coop was founded in the 70's to provide high quality groceries at the lowest price to working members. The basics are if you work 2 3/4 hours every 4 weeks you get to eat all the organic lettuce you want to. Also, for real, the cheapest cheese I've ever seen AND they put Whole Foods to shame for variety and quality. Oh also, they're not evil, which is nice and I get to ride my bike to it, which I definitely enjoy.
Another exciting development is I got a dog! For more than I year I've been saying I wanted one and part of the "deal" with myself was I had to keep a plant alive and well for at least a year and then I'd know that I had concrete proof to myself that I could have another (or multiple as it turned out) things dependent on me and everything would be okay. Anyway, so about a week ago I went off to the animal shelter with this French Bulldog Boston Terrier mix in mind and took him for a walk and then found out he was a bit of a bag of mystery, having just gotten to the shelter and because his breed has a genetic history for medical awfulness. Plus, he apparently 'marked' around his old house. So, clearly he was not a good candidate for me to bring him home. Next I took this little scrappy thing for a walk, much older (about 6 years) and much easier to walk. While waiting for Shelter volunteer to get her file for me, I sat down on the sidewalk to see how she did with playing and to see how her temperament was and she hopped into my lap. Suffice to say, I was sold.
Her name is Edie and she's probably the best dog ever. House broke, crate trained, relaxed but with the potential for high energy. An excellent first city dog.
Now I swear I'll have more updates. Especially about me joining a local community garden and other exciting things the summer has waiting for me!